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21 - 30 of 74 results
21 - 30 of 74 results
How to upload a document
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
You can quickly and easily upload documents and, if you wish, share them with your Financial Team.
Vault overview
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
How to securely share and manage documents in Wealth Access
Timeline overview
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Timeline is a consolidated, curated feed of posts designed to memorialize interactions that occur between you and your Financial Team.
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Transactions card allows you to view and filter the most recent transactions in portfolios and accounts.
Gain and loss
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Gain/Loss card in the allows you to view Unrealized and Realized Gain/Loss cost basis information for their investments.
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Performance card allows you to view investment performance for portfolios and accounts.
Allocation and targets
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Allocation vs. Target card allows you to compare the allocation breakdown of their portfolios/accounts to Target Models.
Activity summary
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Activity Summary card allows you to analyze a portfolio or a group of accounts.
Portfolio dashboard
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
The Portfolio Dashboard displays a dynamic overview of each portfolio with performance cards highlighting key portfolio information.
Net worth and balance sheet
Resource Library Category (Wealth Access)
Review of the Balance Sheet page and the Accounts page in Wealth Access.