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Recipient approval


Digital Banking now includes recipient approval functionality. When enabled, this feature provides a dual control workflow for creating, editing and deleting recipients. Performing any of these actions places the recipient in a pending state until the changes are reviewed and approved or rejected. Recipients in a pending state cannot be used in a payment transaction until they are reviewed and decisioned. This feature is enabled at the client level and is not role based. If enabled, it will apply to all users under that client.

Adding a new recipient

Under Transfers and Payments, select Recipient List. Click on New Recipient.
Complete the recipient’s banking information and save the recipient.

Adding the recipient

A message displays informing the user that changes have been made to a recipient and the recipient is now pending approval.

Message that recipient needs approval

The recipient list now displays the recipient who is awaiting approval. Under the Actions menu, there are options to Review the Changes, View Change History or view Payment History for that recipient.

Recipient list showing recipient needing approval

If Review Changes is selected, the screen will present the details of the update that was made to the recipient.

Select review changes on the recipient

The user who generated the changes or created the new recipient is not allowed to approve the new recipient; however they can reject the new recipient.

Message that can't approve own changes

Please Note: the recipient is searchable on the payment screens but can’t be used until it has been approved.

search recipient on payment screen shows approval is needed

Approving a new recipient

To approve the pending recipient, a second user is required to log in. They will review the Recipient List under Transfers & Payments and select Review Changes from the Actions menu.

Review recipient for approval

The new recipient may be Rejected or Approved.

Reject or approve the recipient

To reject the recipient, select Reject New Recipient. A reason is required as to why the recipient is being rejected.

Reject recipient and add reason for rejection

After the recipient is rejected, a message appears confirming the rejection.

Confirmation recipient is rejected

To approve the recipient, select Approve New Recipient.

Approving the new recipient

After the Recipient is approved, a message appears confirming the approval. The recipient is now available for use in the payment screens.

Confirmation recipient is approved

Updating a recipient

If any changes are made to the recipient, the recipient must be approved before the recipient can be used for making payments. After the change has been made, the approver can log in and navigate to the recipient list and select Review Changes.

Review updates made on recipient

The screen will show the exact updates made to the recipient and allow for rejection or approval.

Detailed screens of updates made to recipient

Managing recipients using templates

When processing a payment or editing or creating a template that contains recipients in a pending status, users will see the recipient is in a pending status and the amount field will not be fillable. The recipient can be approved from this screen by selecting Review Recipient Changes.

Recipient showing in template that need approval

Approve or reject the updates.

Approve or reject recipient from the template

Recipient history

To view the change history of the recipient, select View Change History from the Actions menu.

view change history of the recipient

The change history displays for the recipient.

Display of changes made to recipient

To view the detail, select View Changes from the Actions menu.

View detail of specific change

The screen will display the user who created (or updated) the recipient as well as the user who approved the recipient. To view the details of the recipient, select View Details.

View recipient details

Security alerts

Two security alerts can be enabled to notify users when a recipient change is approved and when a recipient change is denied. To enable these alerts, navigate to the Settings menu and select Manage Alerts.

Manage alerts option on the side menu

Enable the two recipient change alerts.

Enabling the two alerts relating to recipient updates

How do I sign up?

If you would like to have Recipient Approval enabled, please have an administrator in Digital Banking contact the Concierge Desk at 888-322-2120.