Our commitment to diversity


We at SVB Private stand in solidarity with the Black community in the condemnation of racially-motivated violence and discriminatory treatment. The events of the last few weeks are the latest, but by no means the only, examples of racism in our communities and remind us of our responsibility to be part of both local and national solutions for social justice.

Like our country, our company is made stronger by diversity. We are committed to ensuring our firm’s culture continues to reflect diversity and our work environments are thoughtfully contemplated to ensure fair and equal opportunities for all colleagues, clients, partners and neighbors. We also recognize that there is still much work to be done, and are seizing this moment to reflect upon how we can best move forward to both further embrace diversity within our organization, and be an effective ally in addressing social justice issues in our communities.

We commit to meaningful internal dialogue and the engagement of expert resources to deepen our understanding of the issues and to learn how to correct the biases and systems that limit the full participation and achievements of Black individuals, families and businesses.

We are proud of our longstanding dedication to investing in our communities. We will continue to identify ways to enhance our engagement with partners committed to the goals of racial and social justice.

At SVB Private, we understand that “wealth” means more than the accumulation of money. It’s about the potential of that wealth: what it can achieve, how it can help, whose lives it can change for the better. We promise to use our wealth of resources, knowledge, influence and voices to make meaningful change.