Digital banking February release notes

Note: for updates on known technical issues, see this update.

Release date: 2/23/20 - 9:15pm ET

Private client features

  • Several bill pay features updated, including:
    • "Reminders" is now "Bills Due" and shows a list of your manually set bill reminders and eBills that are due for payment. A "Pay" link has been added to all reminders and eBills, allowing you to quickly pay directly from the Bills Due list.
    • eBill Autopay enhancements, including setting a limit for auto-pay amounts to avoid over payment and more detailed reminder email communication.
    • Streamlined the Add Payee process, allowing you to add payees in fewer steps.
    • New/updated language clarifying when physical check payments will post to your account.

Release date: 2/13/20 - 9:15pm ET

Corporate features

  • Enabled a sidebar "widget" that will displays if the current user has transactions that are awaiting approval. This appears on the right side of the screen on desktop and within the "More" menu at the top right of the mobile application.

Release date: 2/5/20 - 9:15pm ET

Shared features in all editions

  • Increased the number of available statement files per account to 60, providing up to 5 years of available history. Note that statement copies for alternate delivery may reduce the available history because they count against the 60 results.
  • Updated timeout settings to allow for up to 120 minutes in a single session,
  • Updated the inactivity timeout to 15 minutes, which includes a warning 1 minute prior to logout.
  • Fixed a bug with the timeout warning that would not reset the timeout timer when the user acknowledged the warning.

Corporate features

  • Enabled a new option that can be configured by request that will load accounts in the background on login, speeding up the login process, but showing account information that may not be current. Please contact the Concierge Desk to have this setting changed for your company.

Release date: 2/3/20 - 9:15pm ET

Corporate features

  • Enabled a new setting within the User Role management that allows for the restriction of viewing Activity Center transactions based on the Role's Account Rights called "Can view transactions from entitled accounts." Selecting this option will limit visibility to Activity Center Transactions to only the Transactions where the user has View access to the account(s) used in the transaction. Updated documentation for this feature can be found here.

View the January 2020 Release Notes >