Resource center

Wire upload


Multi-wire upload offers the capability to import a batch of wires into Digital Banking from a .csv formatted file instead of inputting the wire information manually. The file can be either for domestic or international wires. There is a standard file format available or you can map required fields to create your own file format. Below are the instructions for uploading files and creating a file format.

File and processing requirements

  • The file needs to be in .csv format.
  • Domestic and international wires can’t be in the same file.
  • The file must contain no more than 100 transactions.
  • Click on links to view the specific file specifications for domestic and international wire uploads.
  • Symbols: only decimals, period, comma (thousand separator) and a single currency symbol are allowed.
  • Wires must be approved in the Activity Center by 4:30PM EST/1:30PM PT. Note: when approving a batch of transactions at once, it may take several minutes to complete.

Downloading a sample file

  1. Go to Transfers & Payments and select: Payments & Wires.
  2. Click on New Payment
    payment & wires select new payment
  3. Select Wire, then choose between Domestic and International Wire
    new payment select wire type
  4. Click on Upload From File.
    Select Upload From File
  5. Select View Specifications.
    Select View Specifications

  6. Choose the sample file and then click OK.
This sample file can be utilized as the standard file format.Select Wire Sample File
Steps for uploading a file in standard format
  1. Go to Transfers & Payments and select: Payments & Wires.
  2. Click on New Payment.
    Payment & wires Select New Payment
  3. Select Wire, then choose between Domestic and International Wire.
    New Payment Select Wire Type

  4. Click on Upload From File
    Select Upload From File
  5. To use the Standard format on the system, click on the action dropdown and select Use.
  6. Browse to select the wire file you will be uploading.
    Select Use option
  7. The wires will upload into the system and be listed on the screen.
  8. The top of the screen will display choices for using the same Subsidiary, Account, and Process Date for all wires.
    Origination Details
    Note: Foreign currency wires can’t be future dated.
  9. The imported wires will display on the screen. If there are any fields that require attention, they will be outlined in red.
    Fields require attention outlined in red
  10. To correct the items in red, go to the payment actions menu and select Show Details
    Show Recipient Details
  11. Select the pencil in the recipient details section and edit the appropriate fields
    13 Edit Recipient Detail Screen
  12. When all items that are outlined in red have been updated and you are ready to initiate the wires, click on Draft.
    Click on Draft

  13. A Transaction Drafted box appears with the options to close, Notify Approvers, or View in Activity Center.
    Transaction drafted and notify approver option
  14. Each wire is listed separately in the Activity Center for approval.
    transaction listed separately for approval
  15. Multiple wires can be approved by selecting each one and then under the Actions menu, select Approve Selected.
    Action dropdown approved selected

Steps for mapping a new file format

It is recommended to create a wire file containing a header row with all of the fields required for your wires before starting this mapping exercise.

  1. Go to Transfers & Payments and select: Payments & Wires.
  2. Click on New Payment.
    Payment and wires select new payment
  3. Select Wire, then choose between Domestic and International Wire.
    New payment select wire type
  4. Click on Upload From File.
    Select Upload From File
  5. Select New Mapping
    New Mapping
  6. Browse to select the file you want to map.
  7. Choose the file type: Delimited or Fixed Width
  8. Select what separates your data: Comma, Tab, Colon, Semi-Colon, or Other. Scroll down the page to select if the file has a header row in it.
  9. Click Continue.
    Upload wizard checkbox file contain headers
  10. The Upload Wizard will display a mapping tool. The Uploaded File Content Preview column displays the header row in you file.
    Values display from your file
  11. Map the header column to the appropriate System Field.
    31 Fields To Map
  12. The Status field will display error messages if the data in the file has a formatting issue. For example, if it exceeds the number of allowable characters. The file can still be mapped but the error will need to be corrected when the file is uploaded.
    25 Field Error Messaging
  13. Click Continue to the mapping review page.
  14. Review the field mapping. Select whether to save it and assign a Mapping Instruction name. The Mapping can be Private of Shared with other users in your role.
    26 Save And Name Mapping
  15. Save the file mapping.
    File Mapping Saved
  16. The new mapping is now a choice when uploading from a file.
    Select your mapped file format

Potential errors that may appear when uploading wires

The user will be able to save the mapping format if they receive an error message but the file will not successfully upload until the errors are corrected in the origin file.

Potential Errors:      Description
File Mapping Manager: Blank screen
  • File mapping issue. This is due to invalid data or field formatting issues.
  • To determine specific errors, create a New Mapping where specific field errors can be viewed.
Unable to retrieve exchange rates for one or more payments
  • File cannot be drafted. FX Wire instructions cannot be future dated due to exchange rate determinations.
  • Uploads may take place on a current Business Day before the 4:30PM EST cut-off time.
Contains unsupported countries
  • Invalid Country Code
Contains unsupported states
  • Invalid State Code
Exceeds character maximum
  • Exceeded the number of characters allowed for that field. See Wire Upload specification guide for details on number of characters allowed.